Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wawa subs are good

I enjoy eating made at Wawas all around my area. My favorite thing about Wawa is that all ordering is done from an electronic screen, instead of shouting an order over the noise in the store and hoping the person behind the counter gets the order right, you just push buttons on a screen until your order is done, go up and pay, and your food is ready soon there after and you leave. This system means that the person making your food is almost completely unknown to you outside of pleasantries. As long as that person makes a good sub, I really could care less about who they are. If the guy making my sub molests collies in his spare time, I really don't care as long as he makes a good sub (provided he washes his hands inbetween the molesting and the sub making). This is all a long lead up to me saying I could give a fuck if Christian Bale is a bad person.

Christian Bale has stared as Batman in two movies I have really enjoyed. He has also been in several other movies I have enjoyed. By all accounts, he's a nice guy who got caught on tape on a bad day. Even if he was an asshole, I wouldn't care, he makes good movies, beyond that it does not matter to me. Bale and I will never hang out, so whether he's an asshole in real life really does not seem to matter to anyone with brain cells. Russel Crowe is another exampe. Crowe is, by all accounts, a raging asshole that is hard to work with. But I don't work in the movie industry, so I don't care. He is, however, one of the most gifted actors in Hollywood and I have never thought he gave a bad or lazy preformance.

Now, I know as soon as my fiancee reads this, I'll be getting yelled at because, really this is one long hypocritical ranting. I have in the past refused to watch any Roman Polanski movies because he fled the country after a statutory rape charge was filed. Whether he was framed or really did drug and fuck a 13 year old really shouldn't matter if all of the above is true. And it really is true, I shouldn't care, but I do have several defenses to put forward. First, its always different when its children. I can forgive a lot of stuff, but I really cannot forgive people who hurt children. Jesus had the right idea, tie shit around their necks and throw them in the ocean. Second, the main movie I'm pressured to watch, The Pianist, seems like an incredibly depressing movie. I'll confess, I've never watched Schindler's List. I know the Holocaust happened and I know it was a tragedy, I'm just not sure I can watch a movie based around the events of the Holocaust. Finally, I'm not perfect. Though I often claim to be, I have failings. I try to live up to my ideals, but it is hard. Who knows, maybe I'll watch the Pianist some time soon. Editor's Note: James is probably lying about watching the movie because he wants to appear less hypocritical. Don't trust James, he's a filthy liar.


  1. It's really hard to yell at you when you make my arguments for me. But now that you've made the editor's note, I'm determined to prove you wrong. You will watch The Pianist, because I'm going to go see Star Trek.

    Ewan McGregor was a functioning alcoholic.
    Jude Law cheats on just about every one of his significant others.
    Christian Bale has anger-management issues.
    Ben Affleck underwent alcohol addiction treatment.
    Justin Long has been linked romantically to Tila Tequila.

    They all have their issues, but you still watch their movies whenever they come out. I realize it's not as skeevy as Polanski, but sometimes you just need to get over things.

  2. To be fair, the Pianist just seems depressing and I hate depressing movies. I'm just saying.

    Really? That seemed like a good idea to Justin Long? He realizes that Tia Tequila is not that hard to get in bed right? She had a whole show full of people she was willing to bag, there really wasn't a need for a relationship with her.

    I don't consider diseases "problems" in this context, I mean, alcohol abuse is a disease, not some sort of personal decision made by the person.

  3. Yeah, it was a stretch, but the people you love are hard to pin scandals on. My point was: Everyone has their issues, but you love their work anyway.

    The Pianist is sad, but it has a good ending. And not everything can be Good Guy fights Bad Guy for the rights of the People and prevails.

  4. In my world it would be. :P Seriously, the real world is depressing enough, why do I need to be depressed by movies. I think with this whole economic thing people are going to find that happy movies start making a come back. Speaking of happy movies, I want to watch Casablanca, we should stop and see if they have it at Blockbuster at some point soon.

  5. This has now just become our text messaging board. And The Pianist will be a fight we fight until the end of days. Or until Friday, when I just force you. :-)
