Wednesday, February 4, 2009

This isn't geeky, just my ranting

So there's a webpage I just got invited to join: Basically, they're saying that because DUI checkpoints are a waste of taxpayer money, we should notify others as to where DUI checkpoints are so that they can avoid the checkpoints. I hate people.

I'm not sure why they just weren't honest and tell people they like to drive drunk and would rather the state not try to stop them in a systematic fashion. The expense of DUI checkpoints isn't changed by avoiding the checkpoints, it's not like the cops charge the state per car. DUI checkpoints are no big deal, generally, if you haven't been drinking. I've only ever been through one, it was a minor inconvience at best. If people really want DUI checkpoints to go away, they should stop being irresponsible when they go out to bars. Take a designated driver, call a cab, walk home. I really don't care but you cannot drive as well after you've been drinking, no matter who you are. Most times people get away with it but when they don't, other people get hurt. You're driving around a two ton piece of metal that travels at high speeds, its time to zip up your man suit and act responsibly. Sermon over.

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