Monday, January 26, 2009

I'm not the Doctor

It occurred to me today that I would be the worst person to give the power to time travel to. Hell, that's been true for as long as I can remember. When I was a child I wanted a time machine so that I could go back and save Davy Crockett at the Alamo and Jesus at Calgary (in that order too). For some reason, my young brain didn't see the issue with going back with machine guns to the past to show those Mexicans/Romans why they shouldn't have killed Coonskin Cap Jesus/Regular Jesus.

Even today, I promise you I would use time travel to my own advantage. If everyone wakes up one day and I'm rich, famous, and I own the Dallas Cowboys, I've invented a time machine.

The problem with a time machine, or really just fucking with time in general is how selfish it is. Let's say you'd like to correct a mistake you've made in the past, like when you threw up on yourself while trying to ask the girl you liked to prom. I mean, sure, it would be nice for you to get a second go around for that, but what about her? Maybe she had a great time with the person she went with that was better able to keep down their stomach contents. What about the guy who went with her? Shouldn't he be allowed a chance too? What about the girl you went with instead, the shy one who turned out to be into punching you while taking your virginity? What about all the women who have had a good laugh at your expense when you flinched every time they moved during sex? Should you really have the right to rob all those people of that part of their life just for yourself?


  1. Bleh. What's with the self-eviscerating blog? And I have all faith that if you ever invented a time machine, you would also have the intelligence to know what to change and what not to change. You'd be a human Time Lord.

    Also, attention world: If I suddenly become a world-famous novelist who's best friend is Seth Rogen, I've killed Jamesthemic and stolen his time machine.

    Is this blog doomed like the others, in which I comment on your post, and it dies there?

  2. Well, get some of your online people to read it as well and maybe we'll have more than just us having a conversation. :)

  3. Or you could be normal and just use livejournal, where they already have subscribed to you. ;-)
