Thursday, September 17, 2009

Never give up, never surrender

Too many people are ready to give up on President Barack Obama.

We fought too long, too hard to just give up now. Has his Presidency been a little disappointing? Of course it is but that's forgetting the fact that nothing he could have done could have lived up to our expectations. If he had gotten us single payer healthcare, ended the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and balanced the budget all while pulling us out of the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression, people would have bitched about not closing down Gitmo fast enough. He's been a victim of his own success. He came from such long odds (being black, being new on the scene, going against the Clintons) that people began to believe he could do anything. He can't. No man can.

This is not to say that he shouldn't be criticized. When he does something wrong (like cave too early on single payer which would have been a useful card to play during the debate on healthcare rather than before) we should criticize him, that's about being a responsible citizen. But to abandon the President that we helped put in office less than a year into his term, that's just stupid. There is so much left to be done. In a couple of months healthcare in this country could be radically different, its up to us what that difference looks like (something helpful to people or yet another cash grab for the insurance industry). Then the President is trying to ramp up regulation of the financial sector (and people not in the financial sector that are basically loan sharks with slightly less knee cap breaking). From there who knows where we'll be headed to next (though I'd guess it rhymes with Fuckghanistan). Its not time to give up hope, not when there is so much left to do.

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