Thursday, September 24, 2009

For shame

HIV/AIDS is a worldwide epidemic. The infection rate all over the world is huge, especially in areas where people are poorly educated. Like the United States of America. Seriously, no one in this country is ever taught how to use a condom or why wearing one is so important. Do you have any idea how hard it is to put on a condom for the first time if you don't know how? Good, neither do I since I am as pure as the driven snow. But I hear its incredibly difficult if you do not know how. Also, I'm astounded by the number of people who eschew the use of condoms. Really? They're not that expensive and you're almost always less than 5 minutes from a place that sells them (or so I hear). I'm always critical of older generations being upset because people are sexually active. I say to each their own, mostly because what they do with their genitals doesn't really effect me. However, when they're spreading a disease like AIDS, that does effect me. So wrap that shit up, its not that hard, expensive, or time consuming. And I hear they even make ones that make sex feel better. Not that I'd know, these are just things I hear.

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